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data education in colleges
Rik weightman




Rik Weightman is a dedicated lecturer in Digital Skills and Data Science at Edinburgh College, based in Oxton, Scotland. He brings a wealth of varied experiences to his teaching roles, consistently aiming to integrate essential digital and data science skills across various curriculum levels, from SCQF 3 to 8.


Rik has an extensive background in responsive web design and development, customer-focused sales and marketing, and digital imaging, with over 25 years of experience in sales and marketing, and proficiency in using Adobe Photoshop and other Adobe Creative Cloud tools. His technical skill set is comprehensive, including HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, Python, and Swift for iOS, which he has acquired through both formal education and self-directed learning.


His career journey is diverse, spanning from owning a web design business—Arachnophobia Design—to driving and managing a taxi service, and even managing a bar. His roles have always involved educating others, whether through wine tastings, cocktail training, or color training with Paul Mitchell. This broad vocational experience enriches his teaching, making him relatable and effective in diverse educational settings.


Rik’s commitment to lifelong learning is evident in his ongoing education in interactive media and various programming languages, which he has pursued through platforms like Treehouse and Coursera, and through formal education at Edinburgh College.


He describes his current role at Edinburgh College as his most enjoyable work experience to date, indicating a deep passion for teaching and imparting valuable skills to his students. His approach to education is practical and hands-on, ensuring that his students gain real-world skills that will serve them in their future careers.


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Data Science and Digital Skills are more than just an optional extra.. To quote Mark Zuckerberg “In fifteen years we’ll be teaching programming just like reading and writing and wondering why we didn’t do it sooner”


Our LinkedIn page is for educators and students alike… a place to share ideas, practices, questions, raise topics… on all things data.



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