power bi examples

data education in colleges project examples

Here are a few examples from our Professional Development Award at SCQF Level 7.


Data and digital innovation | women in data and digital innovation

We have a number of different classes for the Data and Digital Innovation – aka PDA Data Science – at SCQF 7. For their showcase project the students are given a very broad brief, and have to design, develop and finally evaluate their choice of project.

The only specifications are that there are a minimum of 20,000 rows of data, and that the project is completed using Microsoft’s Power BI.

We have found that by allowing the students to choose their own topics, many have picked something relevant to themselves or something they care about… and some of the results are nothing short of humbling.

None of them – to the best of our knowledge – have ever used Power BI before.


Over the past 5 years, Data Education in Colleges has been shortlisted for 6 awards – both in Scotland and UK-wide –  and won the College Development Network award for Skills Development in 2022.

heres some they made earlier

data and digital innovation - romeo

data education in colleges

Carbon Emissions data analysed

One of our Data and Digital Innovation students Romeo investigated change in carbon emissions from 1850 to 2021 using data from the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals trackers. Great design throughout and the Play Axis on some of the dashboards, allows the dash to be filtered in real time

women in Data and Digital innovation - cristina

data education in colleges

Gender pay gap Data analysed

One of our Women in Data and Digital Innovation students Cristina investigated the Gender Pay Gap split by Employer size over 5 years and in addition a breakdown of Births vs Ages of Mothers over a 30 year period. There are a total of 16 dashboards which can be navigated using the tab at the bottom. The Play Axis boards have a dynamic slicer which when you press ‘play’ filters all the charts by Industry.

data and digital innovation - ryan

data education in colleges

NHS Data analysed

One of our PDA Students Ryan decided to do his data science project on datasets from the NHS… and it’s REALLY quite impressive. There are a total of 7 dashboards all with a NHS Board Filter to delve even further into the analysis. The pages can be navigated using the arrows at the bottom and it works best on full screen

women in data and digital innovation - sara

application of maths - analysed

A Data Science Project by Sara Xavier Sara’s choice of project was to investigate the uptake of Applications of Maths across Scotland

women in data and digital innovation - izabela

data education in colleges

household waste management - analysed

A Data Science Project by Izabela Lipok Izabela’s choice of project was to look at waste management, generated and disposed of, broken down by local authority. A fantastically detailed set of dashboards.

women in data and digital innovation - nataliia

gender pay gap: ukraine vs uk - analysed

Nataliia thought she’d compare the Gender Pay Gap in her home country of Ukraine to that of the UK. She’s broken it down by Age, Industry, Occupation and Region, and has kindly given us the permission to publish it here as an example.

Sqa Certified courses from scqf level 3 to scqf level 8

data education in colleges
data education in colleges

short courses from 2 hours to 8 hours in a range of microsoft applications