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At Data Education in Colleges we are proud to work with our Community Partners such as Access to Industry and East Lothian Works. To find out more about…


We have a range of short courses which can be worked through in your own pace on a self-directed basis. Want to learn Power BI from scratch?


We work with 4 partner colleges – Edinburgh College, Borders College, Fife College and West Lothian College. Our courses range from SCQF 3 to SCQF 8 and you…


We can create bespoke training sessions for all levels to upskill your staff. Previously we have created bespoke short courses in Excel, Power BI based around the company’s…

Python bridging course

Project example – drug related mortality

SQA Requirements The Data Science project has 4 SQA Outcomes, which have been converted into a Planning Stage, Development Stage and Evaluation Stage. The following are from the…

East Lothian Works

East Lothian Works – inspiring and supporting individuals and businesses to thrive East Lothian Works supports and inspires people to fulfil their career goals, develop new and existing…

Data conference: Employment Futures discussion

5th October 2023 Read more here – Rosemary Gallagher – The Scotsman The need to close the “huge” gender gap that exists in such areas as computer science…

Finalists set to take centre stage at Diversity Awards

7th September 2023 Read more here Having studied many impressive entries, the judges of this year’s Herald & GenAnalytics Diversity Awards now present their top choices. The finalists…

Capital College named as award finalist for Women in Data and Digital Innovation success

7th September 2023 Read more here Edinburgh College has been named a finalist in the Herald and GenAnalytics Diversity Awards following the success of its pioneering Women in…