Worldwide Energy Generation
The students in the Data Science with Data Security – aka NPA Data Science Level 5 – were tasked with investigating one or more of the United Nations Sustainability Goals. They were given a free reign to choose a topic from the 17 UN SDGs, and were encouraged to investigate topics which they felt strongly about.
The project had 3 elements – Planning Stage, Development Stage and Evaluation Stage.
The level of commitment and engagement from a Level 5 class was breath-taking.
Excerpt from the Planning Stage for this project:
For this project I am going to use the data collected form Sustainable Development Goals Tracker (SDG tracker).
SDG Tracker presents data from the Our World in Data database, using official statistics from the United Nations and other international organizations. It is a free, open-access publication that tracks global progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals.
Thanks to the diligent work of many thousands of researchers who contributed to the creation of these databases now we can gain insight into the processes to the processes which determine the development of the world.
From the 17 Sustainable Development Goals I decided to investigate data related to energy management.
I chose this topic because I am convinced that energy processing and data analysis contribute to building a better world.
Using this data consciously, we can think of improved solutions to balance energy generation and consumption.
Energy plays and will continue to play an important role in development at all times. I am interested in and support the renewable energy production. In my work I am going to investigate the global trends of the renewable energy production.
I will analyse fossil fuel consumption and nuclear energy generation and compare the results with the renewable energy generation